Cancer and Oral Cancer Research and Technology

The Association is to promote change, through proactive means, in both the public and medical or sectors of dental professionals. Our main agenda is the establishment of the firm in the minds of the public for the need to undergo a yearly oral cancer screening, merged with an outreach to the dental and medical communities to give this service as a matter of routine practice.

Oral cancer takes more lives than cancers we routinely hear about, like cervical, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanoma (Skin), testicular, and much of others within the efforts to reduce the death rate from cancers within the us , the foremost significant progress has been made through early detection. Cervical, skin, prostate, et al. that lend themselves to simple, opportunistic screenings and exams have all had their death rates reduced through programs promoting early discovery. Early discovery and diagnosis, yields better long-term outcomes, and lower morbidity to people who undergo treatments. carcinoma isn't hidden within the body in some hard to hunt out location requiring an invasive examination, the majority of the time it's literally in plain view, right under your nose, and should be seen with the attention or felt with the fingers. In most cases, its early, highly survivable stages are easily detected during a 3 to 5 minute painless visual and tactile examination. Even the precancerous lesions, which can progress into malignancy, are often seen with the attention . An annual oral conducted by members of the dental and medical communities will have a specific impact on reducing the death rate associated with carcinoma.

It is our mission to bring this about with our mouth we eat and drink what sustains us. With it, we communicate ideas and feelings to the earth through speech or a simple smile. It allows us to taste the nuance of a fine wine, the sweetness of a freshly picked berry, or mustard covered hot dog at the ballpark. Love or passion is expressed by it once we kiss a beloved or child. When cancer affects our mouths, it does quite deduct these everyday functions, it too often takes our lives. Through increased public and professional awareness, prevention through lifestyle changes, early detection initiatives, education, improved treatment modalities, and sponsorship of research, the carcinoma Foundation’s mission is to contribute to the reduction of suffering, permanent physical damage and disfigurement, and death caused by this disease.

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