Cancer and Oral Cancer Research and Technology


Journal of Cancer Sciences and Therapy is a peer reviewed journal serving the International Scientific Community. This journal offers an open access platform to the authors to publish their research outcome and thus help in promoting Cancer and Oncology research.

JCST is an Open Access publishing that aims to focus on the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments as Research article, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. related to Cancer research and therapy and provides free online access to the researchers worldwide.

This top best scholarly journal is using Editorial Tracking System for online manuscript submission, review and tracking. Editorial board members of the JCST or outside experts review manuscripts; at least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by the editor is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Journals Highlights:

  • Advances in Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment
  • Anti-Cancer Drug
  • Bone Cancer Stages
  • Bone Marrow Cancer Survival
  • Cancer Therapies
  • Lungs Cancer Cure
  • Cancer Science
  • Lung Tumor